Saturday, April 19, 2008

Last night I went rock climbing with my friends Colby, Connor, and Damien. We went to the Quarry in Provo and had a blast. I haven't gone rock climbing that often, but it's so much fun and I think I'm going to make it a hobby of mine.


Cari said...

Who are these boys? Where did you meet them? How old are they? Are they good boys that treat my emmie right??? All these questions.... it looks like alot of fun. It is always so good to see you smile!! love you!

Emily said...

Their names are Colby, Connor, and Damien. Colby's from Las Vegas and he's been my friend forever and Connor and Damien go to Byu with him. They're from California and they're all about to go on missions. And yes they are all very good guys and are extremely nice to me. haha Thanks Cari! Love you too!

Mk said...

which one of them is the boyfriend???????

Jamie Claire said...

that's my question too--which one is the boyfriend
good too see you happy and smiling spank

Emily said...

No boyfriend. I like to play the field.

Just kidding. But seriously

Julie Anderson said...

I hope the boyfriend is the one on the left--he is the most awesome.